
A tangible result

We are proud of the certifications we have been awarded because they attest to the quality of our work: our investments in manufacturing processes, our focus on research and development and our ongoing commitment to tackling new challenges.

certificazioni pandolfo alluminio

But, above all, because they provide our customers with the real assurances that come with certification by independent and internationally recognized control bodies and institutes.
The whole company process is certified by TÜV to the standard EN ISO 9001:2015. Our modern anodizing and powder coating systems are QUALANOD and QUALICOAT certified respectively.
Pandolfo Alluminio products are made to standard EN 15088:2005 for use in structural construction works.

Pandolfo Alluminio S.p.A  has implemented, operates and maintains a quality system as described in the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU Annex I Par. 4.3 so-called “PED Directive”.

In 2021 Pandolfo Alluminio S.p.A. obtained the certification of its Automotive Quality Management System in accordance with the IATF16949:2016 standard.